Saturday, February 28
Friday, February 27
Thursday, February 26
Wednesday, February 25
Tuesday, February 24
Monday, February 23
Thursday, February 19
Wednesday, February 18
50 States Update - Mercedes Benz Marathon
10% Complete! Marathon number 5 is in the books and once again I set a new PR. Birmingham was the first double loop course so I got to see the "finer" parts of town twice. My only comment about the town is to say that I am glad to live in Columbus. Regarding the race I believe that it was my most complete one yet. I set out with a goal of 8 minute miles and finished about as close to that as possible. It was difficult considering they didn't provide pacers for any times under 4 hours and you constantly were running with relay and half marathoners who obviously were at a faster pace than you. It is very hard to constantly try to keep yourself slow in the first half especially when nearly everyone around you is faster. Though it paid off as I was able to finish strong and looking at my results I passed more a lot more people in the final 6 miles than at any part in the race. I also was able to recover quickly after the race and was able to enjoy the post race activities for once.
Also I took 3rd in my age group and since I didn't stick around for the awards I contacted the race director to see if I can get my award mailed to me. Hopefully that will be no problem.
Looking ahead to the rest of 2009. I have Knoxville coming up in a little over a month and Alaska in June. Those are the only 2 scheduled officially but I have the rest of my calender pretty much nailed down however there are a few factors that will influence what I will be able to accomplish. I have added a new category on my racing map called "Tentative". These are races that I have done everything besides actually registering. Here's a look at these dates and what must occur for me to get in on those races:
Green Bay
This one is in May and odds are about 75% that I'll do this one. I'm just trying to lock down travel arrangements and hotel stay to limit my expenses. Birmingham has taught me that not every town is a great place to hang out for the weekend and as much as I love the Green Bay Packers I hesitate to spend anymore extra time there in the event that it sucks.
I am about 50% here. The reasons to run it is simple, it's famous and big. However at 125 bucks a head it's expensive. Plus with Gayle thinking about Law school at the moment she may be too busy to come with and one thing I learned so far is that the support you get before, during and after the marathon is priceless. Though with registration filling up fast this one I'll probably have to decide on very soon.
New York
This one is a crap shoot. It's a lottery meaning when you sign up you are not guaranteed to run. So if you don't get picked you have to wait until next year. I am definitely putting my name in as there is a condition if you don't get picked in so many consecutive years (I think 3) you automatically are entered in the following year.
I have a few races I've looked at for backup in case I do not get in on these so things look pretty good for me completing 6 this year. Who knows I might sneak one in September as well but no promises there. Also have Minnesota in 2010 that I am going to sign up for as well. This one is a lottery as well and later I'll detail out exactly why that is and why I am excited to run a marathon in January in Minnesota.
As always, my map and results:
March 29th, 2009 - Knoxville, TN
June 20th, 2009 - Anchorage, AK
May 17th, 2009 - Green Bay, WI
October 11th, 2009 - Chicago, IL
November 1st, 2009 - New York, NY
February 15th, 2009 (3:29:16) - Birmingham, AL
September 20th, 2008 (3:39:05) - Park City, UT
June 14th, 2008 (3:50:22) - Williamson, WV
February 17th, 2008 (3:54:54) - Jacksonville, FL
November 3rd, 2007 (3:55:40) - Richmond, VA
Also I took 3rd in my age group and since I didn't stick around for the awards I contacted the race director to see if I can get my award mailed to me. Hopefully that will be no problem.
Looking ahead to the rest of 2009. I have Knoxville coming up in a little over a month and Alaska in June. Those are the only 2 scheduled officially but I have the rest of my calender pretty much nailed down however there are a few factors that will influence what I will be able to accomplish. I have added a new category on my racing map called "Tentative". These are races that I have done everything besides actually registering. Here's a look at these dates and what must occur for me to get in on those races:
Green Bay
This one is in May and odds are about 75% that I'll do this one. I'm just trying to lock down travel arrangements and hotel stay to limit my expenses. Birmingham has taught me that not every town is a great place to hang out for the weekend and as much as I love the Green Bay Packers I hesitate to spend anymore extra time there in the event that it sucks.
I am about 50% here. The reasons to run it is simple, it's famous and big. However at 125 bucks a head it's expensive. Plus with Gayle thinking about Law school at the moment she may be too busy to come with and one thing I learned so far is that the support you get before, during and after the marathon is priceless. Though with registration filling up fast this one I'll probably have to decide on very soon.
New York
This one is a crap shoot. It's a lottery meaning when you sign up you are not guaranteed to run. So if you don't get picked you have to wait until next year. I am definitely putting my name in as there is a condition if you don't get picked in so many consecutive years (I think 3) you automatically are entered in the following year.
I have a few races I've looked at for backup in case I do not get in on these so things look pretty good for me completing 6 this year. Who knows I might sneak one in September as well but no promises there. Also have Minnesota in 2010 that I am going to sign up for as well. This one is a lottery as well and later I'll detail out exactly why that is and why I am excited to run a marathon in January in Minnesota.
As always, my map and results:
March 29th, 2009 - Knoxville, TN
June 20th, 2009 - Anchorage, AK
May 17th, 2009 - Green Bay, WI
October 11th, 2009 - Chicago, IL
November 1st, 2009 - New York, NY
February 15th, 2009 (3:29:16) - Birmingham, AL
September 20th, 2008 (3:39:05) - Park City, UT
June 14th, 2008 (3:50:22) - Williamson, WV
February 17th, 2008 (3:54:54) - Jacksonville, FL
November 3rd, 2007 (3:55:40) - Richmond, VA

Monday, February 16
Sunday, February 15
And I'm Off
When this post publishes at 7:03 CST (that's 8:03 Eastern) I'll be just starting the 2009 Mercedes Benz Marathon. Unfortunately there seems to be no way to get updates on runners via text message like other marathons do but my goal is to keep an 8 minute/mile pace. So if everything starts and ends on time I'll be crossing the finish line around 10:33 (11:33 Eastern Time). Wish me luck or probably by the time most of you read this I'll be done and probably enjoying a beer.
Saturday, February 14
Thursday, February 12
Wednesday, February 11
25 Random Things About Me Help
You may be familiar with the Facebook / e-mail going around that asks for you to list 25 random things about yourself that people might not know. This item is very popular, but many people have not completed the list because they can only think of 22 or 23 things about themselves. If you find yourself in this predicament, feel free to use one of the following to top off your list.
- Ate 34 White Castles at one sitting and subsequently did not date for three years.
- Loved the Marathon Bar (with the ruler on the back) and still have a ½ eaten one under my bed
- Killed a man in a fight, but we made up afterwards
- I’ve eaten bear, rabbit, turtle and something that might have been tofu.
- I have never failed a lie detector test.
- I was kicked out of the Secret Service for having sex with a chicken.
- Three time Mid-Ohio AA Checkers Champion (freestyle)
- Like oatmeal, hate porridge, no comment on grits
- Lost my virginity for the thirteenth time at the new B-Hamptons on the stamped metal dance floor
- Made my bed once back in 1994 and haven’t looked back.
- Brew my own Schlitz Malt Liquor
- I can beat you at 80’dance and 90’s glam
- Favorite board game - Sorry; favorite thing to say after sex – Sorry
- Need the Gandalf, Lord of the Rings, Burger King Glass Goblet to complete the set
- Own two reversible bras
- I’m afraid of drive-thrus
- I count my printer paper to ensure all 500 sheets are there. Once I found an extra sheet and sent it back to the company.
- Can’t figure out how to load music on my iPod, so I walk around pretending like I listen to music
- Recently learned that the cardboard tube is NOT the last sheet of toilet paper.
- I drive like I own a standard, but only have an automatic. The guys at car repair shop know my credit card number by heart.
- I have had an erection for the past 18 years.
- I have never met a man I could best in nude, hands tied behind your back wrestling.
- I have an irrational fear of fractions
- I think white out is racist
- My glass is half full. Then shits starts to evaporate and I get pessimistic.
- I can’t forget.
- Ate 34 White Castles at one sitting and subsequently did not date for three years.
- Loved the Marathon Bar (with the ruler on the back) and still have a ½ eaten one under my bed
- Killed a man in a fight, but we made up afterwards
- I’ve eaten bear, rabbit, turtle and something that might have been tofu.
- I have never failed a lie detector test.
- I was kicked out of the Secret Service for having sex with a chicken.
- Three time Mid-Ohio AA Checkers Champion (freestyle)
- Like oatmeal, hate porridge, no comment on grits
- Lost my virginity for the thirteenth time at the new B-Hamptons on the stamped metal dance floor
- Made my bed once back in 1994 and haven’t looked back.
- Brew my own Schlitz Malt Liquor
- I can beat you at 80’dance and 90’s glam
- Favorite board game - Sorry; favorite thing to say after sex – Sorry
- Need the Gandalf, Lord of the Rings, Burger King Glass Goblet to complete the set
- Own two reversible bras
- I’m afraid of drive-thrus
- I count my printer paper to ensure all 500 sheets are there. Once I found an extra sheet and sent it back to the company.
- Can’t figure out how to load music on my iPod, so I walk around pretending like I listen to music
- Recently learned that the cardboard tube is NOT the last sheet of toilet paper.
- I drive like I own a standard, but only have an automatic. The guys at car repair shop know my credit card number by heart.
- I have had an erection for the past 18 years.
- I have never met a man I could best in nude, hands tied behind your back wrestling.
- I have an irrational fear of fractions
- I think white out is racist
- My glass is half full. Then shits starts to evaporate and I get pessimistic.
- I can’t forget.
Tuesday, February 10
Monday, February 9
Sunday, February 8
Irish long-distance runner makes history as the world's first athlete to run seven consecutive marathons on seven continents in less than seven days

GALWAY ultra runner Richard Donovan made history yesterday as the world's first athlete to run seven consecutive marathons on seven continents in less than seven days.
The 42-year-old father of one successfully completed a gruelling endurance race that would test the physical and mental prowess of the world's strongest men.
Aside from running more than the traditional marathon distance of 26.2 miles a day, simply flying around the world in less than a week -- logging up 26,719 air miles -- is a feat that few sane people would dare to consider.
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Saturday, February 7
Friday, February 6
Thursday, February 5
Wednesday, February 4
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